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Winter Blues: Everything You Need to Know to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder

Winter Blues: Everything You Need to Know to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder

Current price: $17.95
Publication Date: September 4th, 2012
The Guilford Press
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"A 'landmark book.'"--The New York Times

*When the dark days of winter approach, do you feel sluggish and slow? Is it a struggle to get out of bed each morning?
*Do you have difficulty focusing at work or in relationships, feel down in the dumps, or, worse still, get really depressed?
*Does it get harder than ever to stick to a healthy diet and control your weight?

If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may be one of the millions of people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Picking up this book is the first step toward feeling more energized, productive, and alive--all year long. Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal's engaging, compassionate style and rich store of scientific wisdom have made this trusted guide a perennial bestseller. Dr. Rosenthal explains how to evaluate your own level of seasonality, get the most out of light boxes and other effective self-help options, and make informed decisions about antidepressants and psychotherapy. The thoroughly updated fourth edition features a new chapter on different meditation practices and their benefits. Packed with information and insights, this is a tried-and-true survival kit for weathering the winter blues.

See also Dr. Rosenthal's Winter Blues Survival Guide, a step-by-step workbook that helps you craft a customized SAD treatment plan.

About the Author


Norman E. Rosenthal, MD, is internationally recognized for his pioneering contributions to understanding SAD and using light therapy to treat it. He is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown Medical School, a therapist in private practice, and the author of six other books, including Winter Blues Survival Guide, the New York Times bestseller Transcendence: Healing and Transformation Through Transcendental Meditation, and The Gift of Adversity. Dr. Rosenthal conducted research at the National Institute of Mental Health for over 20 years and is a highly cited researcher.


Praise for Winter Blues: Everything You Need to Know to Beat Seasonal Affective Disorder

"SAD sufferers worldwide owe Dr. Rosenthal a huge debt of gratitude, not only for pioneering SAD treatments, but also for writing and regularly updating this key book. The fourth edition is bang up to date, with many changes from previous editions, and remains fresh and interesting to read."--Jennifer Eastwood, Honorary Life President, U.K. SAD Association

"Dr. Rosenthal was among the tight team of clinical researchers who first discovered SAD in the 1980s, and he has led the field ever since. Readers of the fourth edition will find a treasure trove of fascinating scientific information combined with invaluable practical guidance for overcoming this common, much-misunderstood problem."--Chris Thompson, MD, FRCP, FRCPsych, Chief Medical Officer, Priory Hospitals Group, United Kingdom

"From the definitive expert on SAD, Winter Blues remains the go-to, authoritative resource. If you have suffered with symptoms for years, read this book--your life can be less of a seasonal roller coaster. In a warm, accessible style that is a pleasure to read, Dr. Rosenthal arms you with the information and tools you need to feel better across the seasons."--Kelly J. Rohan, PhD, author of Coping with the Seasons, Department of Psychology, University of Vermont

"A highly enjoyable book on SAD, written by the clinical scientist who has probably done the greatest amount of work on it."
— Journal of Clinical Psychiatry

"Probably the best book on SAD available for the lay person....Little sections on the history of seasonal time and how to decide whether to take medication or how to choose a therapist show much down-to-earth wisdom."
— Doody's Review Service