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Do Whales Get the Bends?: Answers to 118 Fascinating Questions about the Sea

Do Whales Get the Bends?: Answers to 118 Fascinating Questions about the Sea

Current price: $17.95
Publication Date: June 1st, 2010
Sheridan House
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Using a question-and-answer format, this entertaining book addresses over 100 general interest questions about the sea, sea life, seabirds and man's relationship with the sea.

Why is the sea salty?
Does anything eat jellyfish?
Why do whales sing?
How do flying fish fly?
Who owns the oceans?

Inspired by questions raised while the author was a guest lecturer on cruise ships, this fascinating and informative book is a light-hearted, surprising, and entertaining read for anyone interested int he sea in its many forms. Each bite-sized entry is no more than two or three pages ling, making it an ideal book to dip into for anyone interested in the oceans and the teeming life above and below them.