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Significant Journey

Significant Journey

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Publication Date: April 4th, 2011
Teach Services, Inc.
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Port Book & News - 2 on hand, as of May 22 6:30pm
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As a young adult, Judy Williams de Chantal left her job in the Pacific Northwest to spend a year traveling throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Asia with a close friend from Canada. But being arrested in Turkey was not on her original itinerary-neither was the quiet French Canadian she was arrested with-nor the "American-speak" dentist who happened to be on jury duty. Nor were pretty much all of the conclusions Judy eventually arrived at on her journey. Significant Journey chronicles the adventures of one woman-jean clad and gypsy-footed, who survived on five dollars a day, a Mars bar, and a chunk of cheese for dinner as she traveled around the globe and unwittingly back into the arms of a Father she thought she left behind. A prodigal daughter in a Volkswagen van, it didn't matter how far she drove, Afghanistan, Greece, or Iran, even into the wilderness of western Canada- Judy sensed God's hand of protection at the end of every road she traveled.