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Animorphia Sea and Sky: Selections from Kerby's Bestselling Animorphia

Animorphia Sea and Sky: Selections from Kerby's Bestselling Animorphia

Current price: $9.99
Publication Date: October 29th, 2019
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A fabulous selection of twenty removable and framable artworks from Kerby Rosane's bestselling ANIMORPHIA.

An amazing coloring challenge featuring the strange and super-detailed images of artist Kerby Rosanes. Fans will be transported back to the beginning, with selections from Kerby's first extreme coloring book challenge, ANIMORPHIA. With this wondrous and intricate selection of animals from the oceans and skies, fans and newcomers alike have the chance to encounter birds, bats, fish, whales, and other creatures, all rendered in Kerby's signature, dazzling style. Kerby works in intricately detailed black and white line to create creatures, characters, patterns, and tiny elements to form massive compositions of mind-boggling complexity.

About the Author

Philippines-based illustrator Kerby Rosanes runs the popular Sketchy Stories blog. He works mainly with ordinary black pens to magically illustrate his "doodle" world. Most of his works are characterized by whimsical lines, patterns, characters, and little elements that are spontaneously combined to create massive compositions depicting his everyday experiences or anything that inspires him.