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The Last Trail (Dover Thrift Editions: Classic Novels)

The Last Trail (Dover Thrift Editions: Classic Novels)

Current price: $6.00
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Publication Date: October 17th, 2018
Dover Publications
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Set in the Ohio Valley during the late 1700s, this thrilling novel unfolds in the wilderness of the era, when small settlements sprang up near military forts. Skirmishes between settlers and Indians were frequent, and bordermen like Jonathan Zane patrolled the region to protect pioneers. Zane's already tumultuous life takes an unexpected turn with the arrival at Fort Henry of Helen Sheppard, who creates a stir with her youth and beauty. Helen's abduction by a band of renegades and hostile Native Americans leads Zane to his last trail -- he'll either rescue Helen and settle down with her, or he'll die trying.
Zane Grey, best known as the author of Riders of the Purple Sage, drew inspiration from the experiences of his pioneer ancestors during the Revolutionary War period. His tranquil images of natural beauty and action-packed sequences of chases and conflicts combine for a tale that crackles with adventure and romance.

About the Author

American author Pearl Zane Grey (1872-1939) is best known for his popular adventure novels and their idealized images of the Old West. His successful books, including Riders of the Purple Sage, achieved second lives with adaptations for television and more than 100 movies.